my dd is going to be 3 in May. she has had many ear infextions (16) and tubes placed. these past few weeks she has had a major leap in her speech. since then she has had a hard time falling asleep. for naps and bedtime. Esp naps. She only falls asleep if I go back in to her room and hold her for a few minutes and chill her out. then she sleeps for 2 hours so she does need it. Other days she won't nap and is talking up a storm in ther crib.
days she does not nap she goes to bed a bit earlier about 7pm ish. and days she does she is awake later until about 8-8:30pm. we bring her up at 7:30 if she does not nap and she just hangs in her crib until she falls asleep. but last night she did not fall asleep until 8pm and she did not even have a nap yesterday.
What is going on? could it be her speech or is she done with naps now?
can her speech effect her sleeping? Honestly some days I cannot go back in there because I need a break, I have an 11 month old too to take care of.
any help would be great