i am nearly at my wits end, so i hope someone out there can help me! my ds has been going on a week now where he is increasingly more difficult to settle for his nap and bedtime. and its been getting worse. not only is he difficult to settle, but he now naps for only 30min to an hour!! this results in early bedtimes, and early mornings (this morning he was up at 5:15am)
every day is different depending on what time he wakes up in the am (he has NEVER had a consistant wake up time, it could be anywhere from 5am-7am) but i'll do my best to give you an idea of what sort of routine we have now.
6:00-wake up and cuddle w/ sippy of milk
10:30 wind down & nap time
11:00-awake CRYING!!! (i do try to get him to re-settle, sometimes for up to 45 min! but he never does)
thankfully, he's been sleeping through the night ok, but the early mornings are killing me! as are the crappy naps. i know you may suggest that i give him an afternoon nap, but that is impossible in our house because we live in southern california without air conditioning and his room gets the sun beating on it in the afternoon and no matter how many different things i put up in the window, its like an oven in there and no, there is no other room that he could nap in. not only that, but i dropped the 2nd nap when he was 12mo because he had been refusing it and found it hard to settle, then once he'd settle, he'd sleep for only 20 min, so i found it wasn't really worth the effort.
before this, he had been falling asleep without ANY fuss and napping for 2-3 hours. his bedtime and wakeup times were around 7:00 and it was all so lovely. the only thing that's new in his life that i can think of is that his top molars are coming in, but i do give him teething tablets, orajel, etc and it doesn't seem to make a difference in extending his nap.
ANY adivce would be greatly appreciated