Tyler has been on solids for about a month now. First we were adding rice to his bottles (reflux) and that became really constipating, so we stopped.
He has always had a red blotchy, not raised, on the back of his neck. I am certain it is from birth. However since starting solids it has become larger and brighter.
Also the main thing is by the end of each day his face looks awful. It is super super red, little red bumps on his face, blotchy red areas all over his face.
I really do not think it is from teething. I have not been able to pinpoint it to one food. It seems to be with all the foods we have tried so far except for avocado's and banana's. Oatmeal, Rice cereal, pears, sweet potatoes and apples. I have even switched from jarred foods and made my own.
I say it is not teething because we have stopped solids for a day and the rash went right away. His face looked clear and perfect.
When we started solids back again, it came back, but by morning (sleeps 12 hours at night) and his last solid meal is in the afternoon, his rash is gone.
I have to feed him solids or something else. He already takes about 36 oz. of formula and is still starving. He is 20 pounds at 6 months.
Anyone's lo reactted to solids like this? Do you think it is normal. Other than the rash, he is sleeping good and happy.
Thanks, Wendy