Author Topic: How can I get my mum to listen to me regarding my babies drinking.  (Read 1495 times)

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I am so annoyed by this but my mum minds my 17 month old 2 days a week and she has been giving her Lucozade!!  In fact the reason is she has an addiction to it herself and my older daughter told me the other day that when they were out her nanny bought a bottle of lucozade.  Of course when DD2 sees the bottle she obviously wants some and my mum lets her.  Later on she bought Lucozade Sport and she gave her some of that as well.  When my DD1 said my mummy doesn't let her drink that she said `what's she going to do about it'.  I have told her before `do not give her that` but she doesn't listen.  I am sooooo mad.  Of course it doesn't happen every time she minds her but it drives me up the wall.  How can I get through to her to not do this.  She wont listen to me.  It's as if `so what it hasn't done her any harm has it`.


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Re: How can I get my mum to listen to me regarding my babies drinking.
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2008, 10:28:04 am »
Oh gawd, that stinks, she really shouldnt give her it at all, as most say not suitable for under 2's on the bottle. At the end of the day its your lo and if you are not comfortable with it, then she needs to get that. Alternatively, you could find someone else to look after your lo, but I know that would prob cause a massive row.  Can you sit her down calmly and explain, and maybe research WHY lo's shouldnt have it at this age?  Big big hugs to you xxxx

Offline jogym

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Re: How can I get my mum to listen to me regarding my babies drinking.
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2008, 10:35:39 am »
My mother has a mind of her own and doesn't really take much notice to what you are telling her.  She's like saying this is the situation we found ourselves in and I gave her some but why couldn't she have bought her a little carton of juice even and let her have that knowing she was going to want some.  I have even known her to give whole grapes right in front of me and have had to say `will you cut them in half please`.  She doesn't seem to have much common sense!  Is it because my 17 DD2 is v capable for her age and she forgets she's just a baby.  I don't know.  I was considering saying to her today `listen last night DD2 was quite sick and brought up some orange stuff` to see if this would have an effect.


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Re: How can I get my mum to listen to me regarding my babies drinking.
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2008, 10:47:19 am »
Could work, could you provide an alternative juice and say that is all she is to have, seriously she should listen to you. As with the whole grapes, ask her how she would feel if dd DID choke and it was all her fault kwim?  Would that make her stap back and think? Sorry you are going thru this, it sounds horrible for you xxxxx

Offline Caroline-Charlies Mummy

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Re: How can I get my mum to listen to me regarding my babies drinking.
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2008, 10:56:10 am »
If it was me personally, I would stop letting her mind my dd - Lucozade is VERY dangerous for young children (it's not great for adults, either, unless they are sports training), and it seems like your mother has no respect for your wishes or your rights as the mother of that little girl. Makes me wonder what else she is doing that you are not finding out about - if you were looking for childminders, would you pick one that didn't listen to what you said and didn't have much common sense?

That's just me though. If you don't want to do that, perhaps you could get her to look on the bottle, or the website, which clearly states it is not suitable for children?
Caroline :)

"Mama exhorted her children at every opportunity to 'jump at de sun.' We might not land on the sun, but at least we would get off the ground." -- Zora Neale Hurston

Offline jogym

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Re: How can I get my mum to listen to me regarding my babies drinking.
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2008, 11:02:35 am »
I do give diluted juice with her every day.  She does her own thing.  She has been told about drinking this stuff herself but she still drinks it - 2 bottles a day.  We have said to her `why do you drink this stuff if you want to lose weight you are going the wrong way about it` but she says `don't lecture me`.  At the end of the day she does her own thing anyways.  She's abusing her own body with it and now my daughter's allowed to drink it too.  If I would say to her `now there's her cup of milk she likes it a bit warm so take the chill off it a bit` and I come home she's drinking it cold.  She doesn't listen.  Please people do not get me wrong my mum loves her grandchildren to bits but she has no sense.


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Re: How can I get my mum to listen to me regarding my babies drinking.
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2008, 11:11:01 am »
Of course she loves your lo, and thats lovely, but you need to tackle it, and try and stop it so your lo doesnt get poorly. More big hugs to you xxxxxxx

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Re: How can I get my mum to listen to me regarding my babies drinking.
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2008, 22:23:34 pm »
Quote from: Charlie's Mummy
If it was me personally, I would stop letting her mind my dd

I agree totally. I have no idea what lucozade is, but the point is you don't want DD to have it and she gives it anyway. There's definitely a respect issue there. You wouldn't leave DD in a childcare center where they went against your wishes would you? Even if it's your mother you should still expect her to respect your choices as a parent.
Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
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Re: How can I get my mum to listen to me regarding my babies drinking.
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2008, 23:16:38 pm »
Yikes!!!  I'm in the U.S....and have never heard of this drink...but OMG!!!! Funny, you know what bothered me as much as your mom giving your dd the juice?  What she said to your older daughter....."well, what is she gonna do about it??".   That is NOT OK.  What message does that send to dd??? 
I'm sorry you're going thru this....but honestly.....this can't continue. Could your dh talk to her? 

Offline aisling

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Re: How can I get my mum to listen to me regarding my babies drinking.
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2008, 00:26:29 am »
It is a sports drink like Gatorade.

HUGS jogym, it is very difficult when our own parents behave like children themselves.

A x