My LO is a *ferocious* hand sucker--when he can get them to his mouth, but he gets so frustrated because he doesn't have enough control of his hands yet. He started breaking out of my swaddles about a week ago (only does this at night though), so I bought the Kiddopotomus "Swaddle Me" which worked great--until last night. I went to calm him after he woke up at 12:30am, and he had managed to get one hand out under one layer of blanket while it was still velcroed, and the blanket was pushed up around his neck!!!
Talk about scary... He's a strong little chunkster (16 lbs), and I just don't think swaddling is going to work anymore.
So, I'm going to try 1 arm out for a few naps to see how it goes, and I'm just wondering how other's LO's did with transitioning to no swaddle, and how long it took before they were fine sleeping unswaddled... Anyone stop swaddling around 3 months?
Thanks for sharing your experiences!