I've posted a similar issue a while back. DS is almost 7 months old (in a week), and I can't figure out an appropriate amount of A time for him. For instance, one morning DS had an A time of 3 hours and he had a good 2 hour nap afterwards (he had a great night that night before). Now today DS again a 3 hour A time first thing in the morning and he only slept 1 hour 10 minutes (which usually means he wasn't quite tired enough to at least make it to 1.5 hour nap). But last night he didn't have a great night and woke up a few times (whereas he usually only wakes once to eat) and we had a hard time getting him to bed the night before (he didn't fall asleep until 8:45pm-1.25 hours to get him to sleep
). It just doesn't seem to make sense. But in addition, I'm finding it hard to figure out an appropriate amount of time of A time if he naps less than 1.5 hours. For example, today for his second nap, DS was asleep after 2 hours 40 min of A time (he went to sleep easily). But he woke after 35 minutes. He didn't seem overtired when we put him to bed and I've been carefully watching his cues and he didn't seem ready until we brought him up at 2.5 hours. Now DS has been sleeping for almost 30 minutes now (he was asleep for this 3rd nap after 2.25 hours of A time). He went to sleep easily. Can you see though how things seems to be all over the place?
?? I really feel DS is ready for just 2 naps a day, but that can't happen unless he has a good 1st nap of the day. On the days he has 3 naps a day, he's usally really hard to get to sleep (today has been the exception) and bedtime always gets pushed way back because he's just not tired enough at 7:30pm. If we try to put him to sleep and he's not tired (or maybe he's overtired from having short naps) he screams and screams and fights to stay awake. One day DS had an awesome day. He slept 2 hours in the morning, 1.5 hours in the afternoon and then went to bed easily and slept right through until he woke to eat. This is really my goal, but I just can't figure out what's the right A time. Everyday seems to be quite different.