Hi Kellie-My LO is almost 10 months and some days he'll chow down and want more while others he'll fuss after a few bites just like your LO. He does not like texture yet either. He likes his pureed fruit and veggies but still won't eat any of it chopped into finger food. He loves yogurt and I tried cottage cheese yesterday but he hated the texture of that. He does enjoy the crunchy finger foods like cheerios, mum mums and arrowroot cookies. He'll also loves banana in his mesh safe feeder. I think from what I've picked up on this site is that "solids are fun until 1" so I agree with you and that I personally don't think you need to force feed...although I'm not sure with regarding the dip on the growth curve. I do know some babies who drop a little in weight once they become pretty active crawling around. I would make sure she is still getting enough milk per day. I would think that force feeding solids would maybe discourage her and not make it a fun/happy experience??
Here's what my LO usually eats...I think 1oz. equals 2 tablespoons:
Breakfast-2T cereal, 4oz. fruit, handful of cheerios, some yogurt (I don't measure it...though he'd eat the whole container if I let him!)
Lunch-4-6oz. Veggie, handful of some finger food, sometimes fruit depending if he wants more
Dinner-4-6oz. Veggie/meat, 4oz. Fruit, handful of finger food
Now somedays he'll eat all of that and some days only half! I just go by what he wants and feel ok with that since he's still getting enough formula a day.