Author Topic: How much sleep does a 20 month old need in a 24 hour period of time?  (Read 2820 times)

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Offline appletree

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Bella is 20 months old and sleeps wonderfully (with only 1 or 2 nw's) at her biomom's house. She's had 5 overnites there now and only 2 of them were on consecutive days.  After coming home from biomom's on the weekend she'll take a 2hour nap (both on Sat. and Sun.)  Biomom says she puts her to bed at 9ish p.m.

At my house, Bella has about 4-6 nw's. Sometimes she just wakes to see if I'm there and with that reassurance, she'll go back to sleep. A lot of the time I rock her back to sleep and she drinks a cup of milk or water (I know, I know, props).  Then, she only will take a 45 min. nap during the week. Sometimes she'll take 2 45 mins. naps -but that's usually only once or twice.  She goes to bed at my house by 7:15 p.m.

So, should I start going for a later bedtime? Or is she just constantly overtired? Or is there other reasons she's sleeping so well for biomom then me? (She hadn't had an overnite there for 16 1/2 months when they started to do them). I feel like I'm doing this wrong and biomom says it's cuz her bedtime is so early at my house. We have tried a later bedtime (8 p.m) and for a couple of days it's good but then goes back to regular amount of nw's.

Any ideas, thoughts, advice would be appreciated as I am once again at a complete loss. Thanks!
Wendee <3

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Re: How much sleep does a 20 month old need in a 24 hour period of time?
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2008, 22:18:00 pm »

Here's the average guideline , hope that helps
[img width= height=][/img]Ryan James 9 Nov 2003

[img width= height=][/img]

son , I may have silver in my hair but you are the gold in my heart .

Offline appletree

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Re: How much sleep does a 20 month old need in a 24 hour period of time?
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2008, 04:09:02 am »
that's so helpful - thank you!!!!!!  :-* :-* :-*
Wendee <3