Nicola, will anything else satisfy her when she wakes or is he truely hungry?? Finlay's night wakings were getting later and later until he got stuck at waking between half 4 and half 5! To me I was thinking if he could just go abit longer the nightfeeds would be gone!! When he woke he was too tired to feed and was taking a max of 3 oz so I tried just replacing his dummy and holding him/patt/shh-ing him and he'd go back to sleep until 6/half 6. Right or wrong, it worked for us. He has now slept through the night for 10 days solid.
He isnt really on an EASY routine as such but he goes 4 hourly between feeds. He feeds at 6.30, 10.30, 2.30, 6.30 and we dreamfeed at 10. He takes 6 oz each feed so hes taking a good amount of milk during the day which I think keeps him going through the night. My theory anyway!!
Good luck, your idea sounds good. I hope it works xxxxx