Hi all.....
Quick summary - I've split this from another post. Our 4 1/2 month lo is a bit all over the place after a recent GS........now we have nw's for feeds (2 last night), back to short naps (30 mins, 45 mins, max an hour for last 3 days), and generally quite unhappy and tearful. He has also become v.hard to put down for sleeps - naps involve at least 15 mins of crying, and last 2 nights we've had 45 mins of crying before bedtime. (Plus I have to keep dp from wanting to CIO!)
Last few days routine Paula....(assume A between E's and S, all daytime feeds 10 min single side BF unless says otherwise , night time and DF are formula)
Day 1
06.45 E
08.00 S put down early as going to Baby Massage
09.00 A settled at 45 mins, woke at 60 mins
09.30 E
11.30 S
12.15 A woke at 45 min, wouldn't resettle
12.30 E 15 min each breast
A time was trip to docs for last jabs
. Gets over it quickly and no adverse reactions on previous jabs
14.30 S
15.15 A woke at 30 mins and 45 mins and wouldn't resettle, went out for a walk to see if would nap - stayed awake
16.00 E 15 min each breast
17.00 A bath and bedtime routine
17.30 E 10 min each breast
18.00 Bedtime - cried for ages, tried white noise and dummy, eventually decided he was still hungry
18.30 E took 100 ml formula
19.00 S finally!
22.00 E only 75 ml formula
Day 2
01.30 E 75 ml formula
06.00 E woke at 05.45, tried to settle. Fed at 6, fell asleep together til 07.30 (lie down BF!)
07.30 A offered top up - up for the day
09.00 S 10 min cry to go to sleep
10.00 A jolted at 30 mins, settled, woke crying at 10
10.30 E
12.00 S 10 min cry to sleep again
13.00 A woke crying again at 14.00 - no jolts, just literally started crying in his sleep then woke for 45 min crying session
13.45 E
14.30 S Out for a walk in buggy with Dad so Mum can sleep
. Slept for 45 minutes in total, quiet A time still in buggy at home til bathtime
17.00 Bath and bedtime routine - v.happy
17.30 E 10 min both breasts
17.45 tried to put down - cried as soon as put down in cot. 45 min crying session
re crying - we tried all the usual things, offered more food, dummy etc. Eventually I put him in his cot for a break (still crying) and he grabbed his bunny and passed out in seconds. So at some point he wanted to be put down I guess, but we missed it.
22.15 DF 150 ml formula
Today so far....
01.00 resettled
03.00 E 100 ml formula
05.00 E 10 min BF
06.45 woke up - Mum tired and can't believe he's hungry so turned on his mobile for him to play
07.15 E got him up and offered top up so our day doesn't go anymore bonkers than they already are!
07.30 he started looking tired, so decided to try putting him down earlier - popped him in his cot at 07.40 - he wriggle and giggled alot, and kept flipping on his back, but weent off to sleep without crying for the first time in days!
If you look at my post in the Breastfeeding forum, you'll see that I think he's not eating enough in the day, but he's not hungry and as our routine is all over the place from short naps, I just can't seem to get the extra feed in to see if that stops the night feeds.
Other info - he has been rolling back to front for a few weeks no, and I'm convinced he's trying to roll back to front - he spends all his time arching his back, throwing his head back and kind of wriggling round.
He's also dribbling ALOT, but no other signs of teething that I can see.
Have just looked at the clock and realised that this post has taken me an hour to type (since I put him down for his 1st nap) and so far not a squeek! I'm sure that OT is causing alot of our problems, but other issue is he's tired signs seem to have stopped/changed alot recently - maybe I should put him down by the clock? Plus I never know whether to go in and try and extend the naps - most of the time recetnly I seem to make it worse........we had kind of solved the 45 minute thing by putting flipping him on his front, but now that's how he likes to go to sleep in the first place, so we can't do it to settle him IYKWIM as he's already on his front.
Anyway, last 2 days have been an emotional, OT, hot (the UK is having a mini heatwave) frustrating mess. He has been really grissly even when awake, which isn't like him, and often does this grating, whingeing cry which goes right through my head like a jackhammer - I'd rather have full on crying tbh. I have 2 dogs, and they get shut outside if they whine! And then I hate myself for even thinking that!
So as always, longest post ever, but I don't know where to start to get back on track, and I'm so tired that I can't muster the energy to come up with a plan