Today we saw the GP, had very little success. All in all, he's nice, has been helpful, is understanding, sees us right away, bla bla bla. He delivered both my girls and I appreciate his gentle demeanor. Today I question the validity of what he has to say. Now before anyone tells me to find a new doctor, please realize that they are soooo hard to find here that you don't just give one up on the basis of one bad visit.
Basically, he said I probably fed her too much at once and should try rice cereal again but give her only a teaspoon for the first meal. I mixed up 1/4 cup, she ate maybe 1/2 of that with lots of mess. OK, so that does seem like a fair bit, I certainly didn't force it on her and stopped at the first no more signal that I got. (She fed herself but I took bowl away the minute there was a full cue.) I told him that I was concerned about rice and that from what I'd read if she reacted to rice, she'd react to most grains. So he told me to try her on corn
Am I missing something? I thought corn was a pretty big allergen. I asked about oats and he said ideally I should feed her more rice to see if she really is allergic. Or if I just wanted to BF her for another few months and give her iron drops that would be fine too. I'm actually not opposed to that idea, since she is doing well with BFing weight-wise and my supply is fine. He seemed pretty stuck on cereal as a first food, but I don't think I want to go that route anymore. I'm reluctant to try rice again. For what, really? If she is truly allergic to it, then we'd have another reaction and I don't want to put her through that. Besides, I can try Baby MumMums down the road once we're more established and see if she reacts then. I know there are other grains to try, but I think I'm gonna go the blw route and start with high iron foods like legumes. That's a post for the solids board I know...
So, what would everyone else do? Am I out of line? Did I possibly feed her too much? Do I try rice again or just go with BLW and find some high iron foods to start her with? Do I try oatmeal instead?