My DD2 is over 7 months old and recently started showing signs of readiness for solids. She has reflux, kidney trouble and a heart murmur, so i really wanted to delay the introduction of solids until as late as I could (she's now grabbing food from us, so it's time, plus the public health nurses and dietitian are concerned about anemia in babies who start solids too late). I have always thought that there would be food issues just because if one of my girls will have a problem, it'll be Hayden.
So today, at lunch time, I gave her some rice cereal and she ate amazingly well. I wanted her to feed herself (kind of BLW-style), so I made it really gloppy and put it in her hand and she went crazy. She loved it, she was all smiles and frantically grabbed at the bowl and my hands. I mixed up probably 1/4 cup of it, she ate maybe 1/2 of that. When she was full, she was very clear that she was done (this girl is so good at letting me know what she needs!) and I declared this first meal a resounding success. I breastfed her later on at 3:30 and she was fine.
Fast forward six hours, we were out for dinner with family and Hayden was really fussy. It was catnap time, so I put her in the sling and she fell asleep. When she was sleeping I noticed her face was red like she was hot, but she didn't feel warm IYKWIM. Suddenly, 20 mins into the catnap she wakes up and barfs EVERYWHERE, three times. It was all in the sling and all over me, and she was upset by it. Sorry if it's TMI but the puke looked greeny, don't know if that means anything.
Poor babe.
She has eaten a few tastes of a Baby MumMum before which contains rice and was never bothered by it. So, is this a food allergy? A common reaction to first meal? DD1 has a stomach of steel, so I never had any trouble with her and I don't even know what to do next. I don't even know where to put this post, because I'm also concerned that this is delayed gastric emptying or the reflux (which had flared up last week and required an increased dose of her med.) rearing it's ugly head. I should mention that she suffers with silent reflux, so she actually rarely spits up.
Where do I go from here? Do I try something else in a few days or try rice again?