Hello all,
My little one is 14 weeks old, and we've been on EASY since week 4. By 9 weeks, he was sleeping with one night waking only, at 2am, which progressed to 4amish by 12 weeks.
All in all, I was very pleased, a BW devotee and would have been very happy with one night waking until 6 months.
But in the last week, he's started waking twice a night again, at various times, say 12.30am and 3am, or 2am and 5am, like a feeding routine. He's taking proper feeds each time, as well.
At first I thought it was gas (he's had terrible gas which feeding does seem to help), but now I'm not sure.
Where before he didn't stir for the dreamfeed, he now wakes at NINE pm crying. And he's not crying for comfort - nothing stops the crying but feeding him, which makes me think he's hungry. (Note that when he wets himself, after changing he goes right back to sleep without any help. He always puts himself to sleep with no rocking or patting from us. We just tell him it's sleep time and leave him to it).
Our routine was a basic 3-hour EASY, eating at 7, 10, 1, 4, 6.45pm, dreamfeed at 1045pm, awake around 4am for a quick feed. Rinse and repeat. It was working wonderfully, and I guess I felt very comfortable. He had his naps basically at the same time every day.
The last two days, I've been trying the 3.5 hour EASY but with the same results - still the night wakings, plus his naps are askew and he's waking up early. I don't think PU/PD is going to work as he's not crying for comfort at night, he seems to be truly crying to eat.
I'm curious to know if people think I should go straight to the 4-hour EASY.
Is 14 weeks too young for the four-hour routine? The 3.5 hour doesn't seem to be making any difference, but four seems a terribly large leap.