I do like them in bed by 7.00 as I just have loads to do in the house in the evening and also don;t normally eat until they have gone to bed.
yesterday I cut out my sons sleep in the morning and he did get upset for a while and just put him outside in the garden and he forgot about it, They both woke yesterday at 7.15 so played in their cots then got up about 20 mins later. By 1.00 they are both very tired, put them to bed and they just went straight off got them up at 2.00 then put them to bed at 7.00 and it just happened again just loads of laughing right up until 8.20. I am not sure what I should do, should i just ignore it as they are happy or should I be telling them off and tell them to go to sleep. I normally go in there and tell them to go to sleep and lay them down, then after a while I feel I am getting more and more annoyed and not sure if that is making them worse. some people say just leave them they are happy and yes that is true but am I making them think by leaving them that this is what they should be doing at night time laughing etc.
I am concerned that if I allow them to keep doing this then when they move to beds it will be even harder to control.
Yesterday afternooon when I woke them at 2.00 they weren;t happy and they still wanted to sleep, so in the afternoon we just went out and about when I got back home about 5.00 zach was just rubbing his eyes and wanting to go to bed I managed a few times to claim him and he wanted his dummy and teddy, gave that to him, then went i put him in the bath he was happy but when I got him to bed he just wanted to keep laughing.
Is it that I have made him too tired then he has got a second wind? do you think it could just be a faze? or do you think this is what should be happening him laughing at bedtime.
really not sure what is for the best, one person said perhaps he needs to go to bed slightly earlier on his own with out his sister then about half an hour later she goes to bed. What do you think
It is just so strange that this is all come from no where. Only a week ago he was having nearly a hour in the morning and then soemtimes two hours then going to bed at 7.00 and out like a light , not sure what has happened for it to change so quickly