Author Topic: 10 mo EASY - could it be better?  (Read 783 times)

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10 mo EASY - could it be better?
« on: May 29, 2008, 19:30:41 pm »

I have been posting a lot on the sleep forums as my LO has been a terrible sleeper. 

Things are lot better since we encouraged better naps, stopped BF in the night and i now think we are just about finished with all bad AP habits  ;)

So i'm wondering if i might need to tweak his EAS since he still does have one or so NW, EW most mornings and still hates going to sleep for naps and at night.  He does go to sleep independantly - except after a NW when i have to help him
I do find him very hard to read and he won't sleep anywhere except his bed  ::)

BTW he is spirited/textbook

Here is what currently happens:

5? am sometimes wakes thrashing around in cot..maybe goes back to sleep?
6.00 wake, BF
7.30 breakfast
9.30/10.00 nap (has usually been 1.25hrs)
11.30 BF
12.30 Lunch
3.30 Nap (around 1 - 1.25hr)
6.30 Bath + bedtime routine
7.00/7.30 asleep

any thoughts appreciated


Offline Grace's Mom

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Re: 10 mo EASY - could it be better?
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2008, 19:57:38 pm »
My lo won't sleep anywhere except her bed either (she's 25 months now).
It can be challenging but I just remind myself how blessed I am that she'll at least sleep in her bed.
They will only be this young for such a short while!  It does get better.

Congrats on getting rid of all the habits.
It does make things so much easier in the long run! 
It sounds like you are doing a great job.

It looks like he has a huge amount of A time between his two naps....4-5 hours ?
On two naps they usually go about 3ish hours between naps.
How does your lo go down for that 2nd nap....quickly/easily?
I am so in love with my husband and adore my precious Grace

Grace April 2006

Offline louis-mummy

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Re: 10 mo EASY - could it be better?
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2008, 20:54:08 pm »
Hmmm........ i am guilty of liking to go out somewhere after lunch and getting home late  :-[
today we were late getting home (3.30) from meeting friends and he was really tired  :-[

if we stay at home he might have his nap from around 2.30pm but it hasn't made any difference to his NW/EW.  He doesn't ever like going to sleep, he looks forward to his wind down routine in his bed but doesn't want to be left for the sleeping part  ::)

do you think i should try for a nap at 2.30 for several days? could it just be that or can you see anything else?


Offline Grace's Mom

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Re: 10 mo EASY - could it be better?
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2008, 21:21:57 pm »
yes...with any routine change it takes a good 3-5 days for their bodies to adjust.
You most likely won't see an instant change, which is normal.
I'd try it for a few days and see if that helps with the night wakings!

It might bring his bedtime forward a hair, but that's ok
It might actually help his night time sleep.

I am so in love with my husband and adore my precious Grace

Grace April 2006