Hello all,
DS just turned 9 months yesterday and is very spirited. He sleeps through the night and has for a long time. He has been fighting 2nd nap lately and sometimes the am nap. I've read through "10/11 month old sleep gone wonky", but I am looking for some suggestions. Our current day looks like this:
Wake between 6 and 6:30 (which I would love to be more like 7)
Bottle when he wakes
Cereal around 7:30
1st nap usually 3 hours after wake time. This is usually around 9-9:30. 90% of the time he goes down with no fuss for this nap and sleeps 1-1.5 hours.
When he wakes he has a bottle, then an hour later lunch. A lot of the time he doesn't want lunch at all.
2nd nap: If he wakes at 11, I will usually put him down at 2. Lately he has been screaming bloody murder when I lay him down for this nap, so I've been extending the A time here to 3.5 hours. He will usually go down, but he appears tired after 3 hours that is why I put him down. Bed is usually 7, but sometimes 7:30 b/c I was trying to see if he would sleep past 6am!!
DS dropped the catnap around 5 months so I'm wondering if he will be early to transition to 1 nap?
Any thoughts??