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Re: 16 mo awake for several hours every other night - any ideas?
« Reply #30 on: June 10, 2008, 11:51:11 am »
Thanks for asking Nicola!

We have been doing W2S for the last 4 nights - and it seems to have worked in that we have got rid of the 11am - 1am waking (whopee!!). Tonight we are going to not do the W2S and see if she will go through the 11am mark on her own.

However....  the 11am waking has been replaced by waking to start the day at 5am, which is not good.

I think we have got into a bit of a cycle of long lunchtime nap plus early bedtime which results in EW which results in early (but long) lunchtime nap....  etc. I am wondering if there is a bit of OT in there too so I am going to concentrate on even earlier bedtimes this week to see if we can rule out OT, and then see if I can cut down the lunchtime nap and/or slowly shift the day a bit later. We used to have a 7-7 night, a 6-5 night is not good. It is a real pain as we cant do any activities on my days off - nothing starts till 10am by which time she has been awake for 5hrs and is nearly ready for a nap!!  And then in the afternoon we have to get home really early so that I can give Katie her tea and get her into bed by 6. And on work days it's a real scramble for me to get home in time to get her into bed by 6...

Anyway, one step at a time, I keep telling myself!


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Re: 16 mo awake for several hours every other night - any ideas?
« Reply #31 on: June 10, 2008, 19:26:08 pm »
Great news on having the NW sorted :D At least you can deal with the sleep issues during the day ... well if you can call 5am day time ;)

Sounds like you are making progress though :) I hate when you can see a cycle there, and know you have to work hard to change it.  Keeping my fingers crossed for you thou. 

:-* Keep us updated x
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Re: 16 mo awake for several hours every other night - any ideas?
« Reply #32 on: June 10, 2008, 19:27:34 pm »
Thank you  :-* :-*

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Re: 16 mo awake for several hours every other night - any ideas?
« Reply #33 on: June 10, 2008, 21:49:23 pm »
It's an improvement, anyway.
Good luck!
Maeve, mother to:
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Re: 16 mo awake for several hours every other night - any ideas?
« Reply #34 on: June 11, 2008, 11:28:21 am »
Hi! :)

Glad W2S has helped. We were also in this kind of scenario when DD was same age as yours. 5 or 4 am wake ups, early nap cos of EW and early bed as nap was early, then another EW...The circle you describe just goes on and on and your days seem to never get into the routine you'd like them to be in. We had struggled with OT during the 2-1 switch (as you may remember from that thread) but even when that seemed to be better and she'd settled into a good pm nap, she kept having EW.

FWIW, I'll share how our routine got back on track. It was kind of by coincident that the time change for summertime came up and I thought if we keep her routine (body clock) as it was, her whole day would be an hr later (which would mean later wake ups in the mornings) nap was at 1 instead of 12, bedtime at 8:30 instead of 7:30 (had previous weeks extended nap to 12 instead of 11:30, and bedtime to 7:30 instead of 6/7 as she was now taking a longer nap in pm. So... even though 8:30 seemed very late for bed and 1pm late for her 2 hr nap, this worked a treat, and she started sleeping til 6:30 or 7!!!

The key to finding a functioning routine was that I figured out was that she didn't need any more sleep so in order to get her to wake up later I had to shift her whole day later, if that makes sense? By watching for a week or so I noticed that she very rarely slept more than 10.5 hrs at night, and generally did 2 hrs nap. so putting her to bed at 7 and expecting her to sleep til 7 was unrealistic (for her, might not be for yourDD) but 8:30 til 7 wasn't. We're still on the same routine (6/7 wake up, 1-3 nap, 8:30 bedtime) and it's working really well. We have more time to do activities in the morning and DH has more time with her after work, plus the biggest bonus: sleep til 7!!! ;) ;D

Of course, all bubs are different and what worked with her might not work with you but it might be that you could find something that can work for her by doing the same thing. There's the whole time change thing that you don't have the benefit of so you'd have to gradually extend her A times over a few days (say 15 mins every 3 days or so?) in order to get a later nap and later bedtime, and hopefully, later wake up.

I definitely think you're doing right in making sure it's not OT first though, as she could be needing to catch up from the previous NWs.

Just thought I'd share how it worked out for us... and that it's not always an earlier bedtime that cracks it. Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck!
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Re: 16 mo awake for several hours every other night - any ideas?
« Reply #35 on: June 11, 2008, 12:56:44 pm »
vicku, thanks, that is SO helpful! Yes that is exactly where we are I think.  Katie has always needed less sleep than average for her age, and she's happy enough in between so I am sure that's it.  So I need to shift her day.

It's funny you mention the time change - I have been dreading October's time change already as she will then be waking up at 4am instead of 5am!!!! 

Now that we have got rid of the NW I am going to observe things as they are for another few days and see where we are, and then start trying to shift the day later very gradually. The OT monster is never far away with my LO and so changes have to made very carefully.

Interestingly this mornign she woke at 4:45 but I APed and got into bed with her (we have a little bed in her room) and she dozed off for another 45 mins or so which took us until 6am. So this does suggest she needed a bit more sleep!  I have asked our nanny to put her down for her nap slightly later today as she slept later - so we will see where we are by tonight.

Thanks again for sharing your story - it's really helpful as we do seem to be in the same place!

I dont' mind if she is up a bit later in the evenings - there is more time to do things then. Somehow being awake at 5am there isn't much you can do!!

Bryony xx

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Re: 16 mo awake for several hours every other night - any ideas?
« Reply #36 on: June 11, 2008, 13:55:04 pm »
Oh, I'm glad my story could help! Wasn't sure how you'd take it or weather it could be helpful at all, so I'm glad you got something out of it :D

My DD is also very sensitive to OT and OS and has always needed less than average sleep. Wish I had realised these things earlier ::) she now averages 12 hrs and is doing really well on that, and I'm sure I could have gone on forever putting her to bed at 7 and wondering why she kept waking at 5:30, trying all sorts to get her back to sleep when really her routine was fine (i.e. getting enough sleep) for her, just not for me. So later bedtime and later wake ups help things fit into mine and DHs 'routine' much better.

Hope it can work for you too! Let me know how you get on :-*
"Very Proud Mummy Blessed with 3 Spirited Girls"

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Offline Bryony

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Re: 16 mo awake for several hours every other night - any ideas?
« Reply #37 on: June 14, 2008, 17:53:54 pm »
Just thought I would post an update and say thanks for all the suggestions and hugs...

So it's MUCH better!

So here's what we did:

1. we got rid of the NW with W2S - it worked great. We did it for 4 nights and then stopped, and she has slept through the 11pm mark every night since.

2. This then left us with EW - as early as 4am some days....

3. So then we did early bedtime for a few days to get rid of any OT, together with an early nap etc - 11:30am instead of her usual 12-12:30ish

4. Then when I was sure we were over any OT, I started moving her nap later by 15 mins every 3 days, which has been slowly moving the day later.  She's now sleeping from 7pm ish till 6-6:30am ish, with a 12 noon nap, which is great.

So we are now pretty much back on track - I will keep trying to shift the day a bit later as I'd prefer her to go to bed la bit later (eg 7:45pm) and sleep a bit later in the mornings (eg 7am)  - but I won't be too upset if we can't.

It'll all get messed up next weekend as Katie and I are going to stay with my parents for a week, and any trip always messes things up as she gets OT and doesn't sleep well in a strange place (groan) but at least now I know what to do if it all happens again

thanks again everyone


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Re: 16 mo awake for several hours every other night - any ideas?
« Reply #38 on: June 14, 2008, 18:56:30 pm »
Great!! I'll be back reading this in about 2 weeks when we are going to do the same thing!!
Maeve, mother to:
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Re: 16 mo awake for several hours every other night - any ideas?
« Reply #39 on: June 14, 2008, 19:27:03 pm »
That's fantastic Bryony, well done!

We had another "party" on Thursday - 10pm til 2am ish, I'm sure you will share my joy at that one! At least last night was a no wake night!

I think we are going to have to carry on as we are until the school summer holidays when I will have 6 weeks to work on it. It's hard to keep things on track when I am working ::).

Well done again, and well done Katie! :-*


Offline Vicku

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Re: 16 mo awake for several hours every other night - any ideas?
« Reply #40 on: June 14, 2008, 22:00:26 pm »
That's great news Bryony!
You've done really well there, handling it amazingly by the sounds of it :D
Hope your trip goes well. It will be easier to settle back into a functioning routine when you get back than if you hadn't sorted it before you went.
Again, really glad to hear such a successful update! Isn't BW fantastic?!
"Very Proud Mummy Blessed with 3 Spirited Girls"

I Breastfed DD1 9.5 months and DD2 21.5 months
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