
Glad W2S has helped. We were also in this kind of scenario when DD was same age as yours. 5 or 4 am wake ups, early nap cos of EW and early bed as nap was early, then another EW...The circle you describe just goes on and on and your days seem to never get into the routine you'd like them to be in. We had struggled with OT during the 2-1 switch (as you may remember from that thread) but even when that seemed to be better and she'd settled into a good pm nap, she kept having EW.
FWIW, I'll share how our routine got back on track. It was kind of by coincident that the time change for summertime came up and I thought if we keep her routine (body clock) as it was, her whole day would be an hr later (which would mean later wake ups in the mornings) nap was at 1 instead of 12, bedtime at 8:30 instead of 7:30 (had previous weeks extended nap to 12 instead of 11:30, and bedtime to 7:30 instead of 6/7 as she was now taking a longer nap in pm. So... even though 8:30 seemed very late for bed and 1pm late for her 2 hr nap, this worked a treat, and she started sleeping til 6:30 or 7!!!
The key to finding a functioning routine was that I figured out was that she didn't need any more sleep so in order to get her to wake up later I had to shift her whole day later, if that makes sense? By watching for a week or so I noticed that she very rarely slept more than 10.5 hrs at night, and generally did 2 hrs nap. so putting her to bed at 7 and expecting her to sleep til 7 was unrealistic (for her, might not be for yourDD) but 8:30 til 7 wasn't. We're still on the same routine (6/7 wake up, 1-3 nap, 8:30 bedtime) and it's working really well. We have more time to do activities in the morning and DH has more time with her after work, plus the biggest bonus: sleep til 7!!!

Of course, all bubs are different and what worked with her might not work with you but it might be that you could find something that can work for her by doing the same thing. There's the whole time change thing that you don't have the benefit of so you'd have to gradually extend her A times over a few days (say 15 mins every 3 days or so?) in order to get a later nap and later bedtime, and hopefully, later wake up.
I definitely think you're doing right in making sure it's not OT first though, as she could be needing to catch up from the previous NWs.
Just thought I'd share how it worked out for us... and that it's not always an earlier bedtime that cracks it. Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck!