LO is 29 months. He's been an excellent napper his whole life! We've been on one nap since about 16 months old. Guess he decided 1 year of the same routine was making mommy's life too easy!
He's been a consistent 2 hour napper this whole time, until about 2 weeks ago when he was ill. Then we had some touch and go days because he was vomitting right before nap (sorry if TMI!) and having trouble sleeping after that. Once he was done being sick, he seemed to have trouble napping because of being afraid he'd vomit again. I thought i fixed the problem by pushing nap back to 1 pm so he'd have a good 5.5-6 hours of awake time. That worked for about 3 days, but then the last 2 days no nap again!
Do I just need to suck it up and realize that he's just in that transition period before no nap? Or is there still a chance he'll go back to sleeping every day again, consistently? Do I need to do more active stuff in the morning time to make it more likely that he'll nap?
Help!! Guide me thru the toddler phase, please!
I'd love to hear stories of what *your* toddler did at this age. Thanks!