Just wanted to run this past a few other BW brians to see if we're not heading down a slippery slope?
My ds is about 5 1/2 months. More and more days we are getting to a consistent rough routine of (assuming we don't have the 45 minute nap monster back, which does still happen every now and then for a few days)
07.00 A
07.30 E
09.00 S
11.00 A
11.30 E
12.30 S
2.30 - 3 A
5.30 E
6.00 Top-up E
6.30 S
22.00 DF
05 - 06.00 am E
He then seems happy to go through til bedtime without a catnap. Most days he has the opportunity to sleep in the car or buggy, but rarely sleeps, or if he does only dozes for 10 minutes or so. If we're at home, I keep a sharp eye out for tiredeness, but he seems to be able to go 3 hrs easily. As we do a "cluster feed" about 5/5.30, then bath and bed routine then last feed of a bottle, and he is mostly in bed asleep by 6.30.
So, we seem to have ditched the catnap. Am I kidding myself that he is doing OK without it, or are we building up an OT that is going to catch us out? He sleeps through most nights til 5 ish, sometimes 6, then will go back to sleep til 7.
Just thought I'd ask for your experiences/wisdom in case we get caught out down the line?