I have a son who are almost 6 weeks now but was borne 5 weeks early. Our instructions from the doctor was to have him close to us as much as possible to "make up" for the lost time in the womb. So we have carried him a lot and he sleeps between me and my husband in our bed. We have always walked and rocking him too sleep but now he is to heavy (5 kg) for my back. I got the BW book of a friend and have recently read it and are trying to get him to sleep on his own. He was already on EASY schedule so that is not the problem, even though he only is awake for about 1 hour including feeding before he starts to yawn again. So we put him to bed and we lie beside him to reassure him when he starts to cry. The problem is that his tummy is quite worried and disturbs him when he is settling in. And then he starts to fuss and cry of the tummy and then he gets OT and cries for that reason. What do we do? The last two night he has cried for over two hours and then he is hungry again so I feed him and maybe then he goes to sleep but that more of exhaustion.
Even for the naps he cries a lot and it really tears me apart emotionally. Are we trying this too soon or to fast or to sooth? He also fuss and groan a lot in his sleep, probably because his tummy is worried. He usually groan and curl up when he start to wake up as well, usually takes 20 minutes. Does this disturb his A time? The last days there has been very little A time before he starts to yawn again, it that normal? I have sorted out everything in my food intake that can upset his stomach such as cow milk product, beans, onion and so on as well. I have no clue what o do more.
A lot of questions, I am very grateful for all tips that you can give me *worried first time Swedish mom*