Author Topic: Need some support: 14 m.o. just got rid of paci  (Read 855 times)

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Offline MomofCharlie

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Need some support: 14 m.o. just got rid of paci
« on: June 17, 2008, 12:24:56 pm »
Hi! My 14 month old DS was a good sleeper, night and naps, with 2 pacis: one in his hand, one in his mouth. He'd soothe himself to sleep by switching them around. He recently (past 3 weeks or so) began waking at night, and throwing the pacis out of his crib, then crying. Like any well-trained mommy, I gave them back to him, layed him down, and he went back to sleep. Then he began doing it repeatedly. So 2 nights ago, I took away the pacis, and was determined that this would be it, weaning him from his paci. But I'm exhausted. He took an hour to go down for each of his naps yesterday, an hour to bed last night, then he woke at 4:20 a.m. and didn't go back to sleep. I did p.d. religiously, but he was absolutely inconsolable. How long will this go on? I feel like a zombie: should also mention that I'm especially tired due to being 10 weeks pregnant. Ifeel like I'm going to give in and return a paci to him. Does anyone have words of advice or support to help me out? I'm dreading his morning nap, which is due anytime now.


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Re: Need some support: 14 m.o. just got rid of paci
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2008, 00:24:25 am »
HI there... I am sorry I don't have much experience with weaning a dummy from a toddler. Just bumping this post up so that others can hopefully help you out

Good luck!

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Offline Lissybits

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Re: Need some support: 14 m.o. just got rid of paci
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2008, 11:51:00 am »
Hi Allison,
We did cold turkey with the dummy when DS was 13mo cos he was waking up ALL night to be re-plugged.

It was awful in the beginning - lots of crying and NWs. We did PU/PD too. DS started sucking his sheet instead!

It took 12 long, hard nights before DS 'forgot' about his dummy and slept without it.
But, it was really worth it - I mean it's much nicer to see LOs without dummys isn't it?

Good luck and stick with it ;)

« Last Edit: June 19, 2008, 18:45:05 pm by lissybits »

Offline MomofCharlie

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Re: Need some support: 14 m.o. just got rid of paci
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2008, 23:12:10 pm »
Thanks, Lis,
Unfortunately, I gave in this morning. It was just too much. 4 straight hours of p.d. and him never ceasing screaming. He only has it for naps and night sleep, and for now, at least during the first trimester of my pregnancy, while I"m feeling really nauseated and tired, this is just how it will be. He's still scarred from it, though, as he won't settle in less than 45 minutes for naps or night sleep. I think I let him cry too long 2 mornings ago, but I was vomiting and DH had already left for work. So he seems really afraid of my leaving the room. Hoping to remedy this first, then deal with the *()&ing paci. Ugh. Anyway, thanks. Terrible to know it takes almost 2 weeks!!


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Re: Need some support: 14 m.o. just got rid of paci
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2008, 18:53:15 pm »
Yes, maybe wait until you're feeling  better in your delicate situation ;), as the crying and lack of sleep (your crying and lack of sleep too!!) certainly is tough and it needs a lot of patience  ::)

What kept me going (I had thrown the dummies away anyway) was thinking that if I gave a dummy back to him, all his crying (and mine!) and screaming would have been for absolutely nothing, zero, zilch and I felt that wasn't fair on him.

But it isn't easy at all :P So, when and if you decide - be strong and consistent ;)


Offline MomofCharlie

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Re: Need some support: 14 m.o. just got rid of paci
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2008, 23:32:08 pm »
Thanks! I think you're right: it just wasn't the right time for our family to go through this. Will re-post (most likely) once we find the strength to try again: I'd imagine I'll need some support then, too  ;)
