DS has just turned 2, is a very active little boy and generally very happy. However, recently, he has started being OT a lot more than before.
DD is 6 months old so he's used to her being around now; he went into a Big Boy Bed on his own instigation around 18 months and has been absolutely fine with it. We are still waiting for a lot of his teeth to come - incisors mainly. DH slept in with him for a while because he was waking so much and, at the time, with a newborn, it was the easiest way for evryone to get at least some sleep.
Last week he woke at 5 AGAIN so I put him down at 10 for a nap, he had about 40 mins, then another at 2 for an hour or so. I did the same the next day and he had 3 hours total - we saw his old self come back! Gave him a later bedtime of 7.30 and he slept til 7am. Brilliant! So he was rested and happy, so we went back to normal routine of 7 wake up, 1145 nap for 1h30 with the later bedtime. He's back to being grumpy and OT again.
Has anyone else reintroduced the dropped 2nd nap? It seems like it may be the answer for us but would be interested to hear any experience or suggestions. I have been Weissbluting him and leaving him to shout when he wakes, then going in, putting him back to bed after 30 mins or so in an attempt to get him to sleep longer.
LOL, he takes his PJs and nappy off now and stands at the door saying it's morningtime whilst rubbing his eyes and crying!! Not really convincing me he's well rested though!!
Better go