My DS is 9 months old and has been taking really long naps in the am and short 40 minutes in the pm. It's not soo bad except my DD that is 2 sleeps from 1-3:30 and I'd like his long nap to be in the pm. I posted a while ago and said he was fighting nap, but now that is under control and I'd just like to see if I can swap naps for long in pm.
Our day is like this:
wake at 6am
1st nap: 9-11:45 (this has been going on for about a week and a half
2nd nap 3:30-4:10 ish
Bed 7-7:30 (usually 7:30)
Problem is my daughter naps from 1-3:30 so basically I'm stuck hom from 9am-3:30. Any suggestions on making him nap longer in the pm and shorter in the am? Would you recommend waking him in the am after a period of time or would this backfire?