Hi Guys,
I am back from holidays and we had a great time. So much so that we have decided to move there..... hello sunshine!!!!
my lo loved all the local foods.
Now, my question on finger foods.... I really want my lo to eat on her and learn to do so quickly. I do give her foods like cucumbers and we had a lot of watermelon during the trip. She also started to eat bread and actually just loves it.
The only thing is that most of it is on the floor. I cannot possibly only just give that as a whole meal. or can I???
She would normally have for ex 2 tblspn porridge and 3 to tsp of muesli all with full fat cows milk. Could I substitute that with toast and butter and just that??? Also my lo suffers with wind a lot. So even though her food is quite lumpy, I have to add a lot of water in order for to burp. She is not too keen to drink any liquids- water, milk, juice- nothing (bottle or beaker). Very moody about it. Wouldn't only finger foods like sandwiches create more trouble for me in terms of wind???