My son is 3 months old (15 weeks). He has just started sleeping through the night this week and is finally waking at about the same time every day. Before this week he would wake at different times and not want to eat which would make each day different. Now that I have a solid morning wake-up time I would like to have a little more consistency to our day. The problem is he sometimes takes 45 minute naps, and sometimes takes good 1.5-2 hour naps. Sometimes the long nap is in the morning, sometimes it's in the afternoon, or some days he takes 45 minute naps all day long. He is usually pretty happy so I go along with him, but I don't ever know what to expect. Is it ever okay to put him on a schedule just so I know what to expect? For example, if he takes a short nap in the morning and just won't go back to sleep should I try and keep him up for longer A time so that he falls back into a schedule? I hope I'm making sense.