sure!! where do you live! ha ha
i was scared too but i just kept saying "what i'm doing now is not working for me" and that gave me strength to keep at it. it really was not that tough if you can handle the crying. they will cry, it's just their voice. they're trying to learn something new and it's hard. but yes you can do it!! i started this at 3 mo to teach her to fall asleep independently and it worked pretty quickly. i then did it again at about 5 mo when the paci became a prop and again it worked in a few days. and i've done it now and then to get back on track after holiday, teething etc. so it really really works!! but you really have to be consistent. i did cold turkey both times and i think that's why i got results so quick which motivated me to continue with this method. i hear gradual removal works as well, just slower, so don't get discouraged. and when you do get results be prepared for a setback on day 5 or so, but that works itself out quickly too.
you can do it!!!
keep us posted, and feel free to ask any other questions!
good l uck