i don't know that it's too much. she would tell you if she was full.
my son takes 4 6 oz bottles a day and he takes all of his cerealsl and solids by the tablespoon.
i'd say if your daughter is taking her solids in tsp you are not feeding her too much. unless she seems to be a lighter eater. i started out with tbsp for some reason - we have wasted some food in our time!
also with that 2 30 feeding she's struggling with, if you want to keep that maybe cut back some on her lunch. or decrease the bottle by some.or move it out from her lunch some. when we weened to formula ds was so much fuller longer that i'd try and feed him when he wasn't hungry. it took me a while to figure out how long he could go in between each feed. he goes about 4 hrs in between meals.so i give him his bottle and his solids in one sitting. he normally eats at 8, 12, 4, and 7 with a few sips of water here and there.
i think you're giving her plenty. definately not too much.