Hi Ladies,
I need some serious support and guidance from you ladies.
My dd is 13 months old. Up until we went on vacation, I would have to just put her down for her naps and bedtime and she would play and fall asleep. Since we have been back, it has all gone up in smoke.
This has been her schedule for months:
7 a.m. - wake up
8 a.m. - breakfast
9:15 - sleep
10:30 - wake and snack
12pm - Lunch
1 pm - Nap
3pm - wake and snack
5pm- dinner
6:30 - sleep for the night.
I am still following this however for the last 4 nights, she has been getting up and staying up for 2 to 3 hours. I give her milk, I pat her, I rock her, I swaddle her, I've even given her tylenol thinking maybe its her teeth that are hurting her. I am sooooo exhausted I don't know how long I can keep this up. I dread going to sleep. She has all of her molars and we are just waiting for her I-teeth. I can only let her cry it out so much because she wakes up her 4 year old brother or she will vomit cause she is crying so hard.
My question is this, do you think it may be time for her to lose her morning nap? It has been a bit harder to put her down in the afternoon. I just don't understand why she is getting up in the middle of the night.
Any input or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.