Becky, you crack me up!

OliverRowland - Isabella no nap since she was about 2yrs 8-9months when she stopped napping altogether. At 2.5, she stopped napping but clearly needed a nap, so I started sleeping with her to get her to nap. That went on for about 3 months or so. She would nap every other day, and then every 3rd day, etc... until it was more like once a week.
On the days she didn't nap, I would put her down at 6pm to allow for a 12hr night.
I can't tell how old he is (our internet is slowing down cause we're over our limit and the ticker is taking forever to load up), but I would think if he's past age 2, he probably only needs 12hrs of sleep or so in total. I would probably not let a nap any longer than 2hrs at this age. Isabella around age 2 was doing 1.5hrs during the day and 10.5-11hrs at night. I actually think that he's getting the right amount of sleep. The early wakings... is 6-6.30am too early for you? Could you leave him in the cot until 7am (if he wakes at 6.30am) or 6.30am (if he wakes at 6am)?
Jasmine is sleeping 1.5-2hrs during the day and 10.5hrs at night. Her routine is:
6am - wake
12-1.30/2pm - nap (I watch the camera to check when she's up or she comes out of the room on her own, lol)
7pm - bedtime (I have NO idea when she falls asleep). I used to watch her on the camera but I've stopped doing that now. I "think" she falls asleep within 30mins or so of being put down.
How is he during the day? Does he seem to need more sleep?