Hi - I've asked about this before, so bear with me if you gave me advice in the past and I am going against it... My DS is 14 1/2 months old and is starting at a "real" day care center in 3 weeks. At the school, he'll be given the opportunity to nap from 12:30 to 2:30, but that's it. Our problem is that he's not quite ready for the 2:1 switch that he's having to undergo now. People have told me, "Oh, just let them work it out when he starts at day care," but I can't seem to live with that plan. I can't imagine him having to go 6 hours of being awake in the morning for the first time when he's somewhere totally strange... so I decided to try and get him to do it a few times a week between now and then so it's not COMPLETELY new to him. He does ok some days, but other times I feel so bad for keeping him up until noon-ish when I know he's tired... but in 3 weeks he's not going to have a choice!?! Plus, the past few days he's taken 2 naps, the second one has been interfering with an early-ish bedtime (which I'm very dedicated to keeping).
I guess I'm just venting that I don't have the luxury to go through a long, several month transition period with him. I have to work out of the house 3 days a week, so those days we're rushing to get home from the sitters, eat as a family, and still get him to bed at a decent time.
Ugh, I'm tired and sad. I'm already anxious about his transition from the small, in-home sitter to the big day care...