For a while I thought that Stan (8 mos 1 week) was heading towards dropping his 11am BF, but that doesn't seem to be the case, so he's still having 5 good BFs every day (first thing, mid morning, mid afternoon, bedtime, and 9.45pm (we're working on dropping this one)).
My question is, I'm going back to work in a couple of months time, and I honestly don't think I'm going to be up to expressing twice a day at work, so I think by then he will need to be having formula for his daytime feeds and I will aim to keep BFing for his first and last milks of the day for as long as poss (I expect past 1 year).
Would you expect them to have dropped any daytime milk feeds by 10 months on their own anyway? I don't have a sense of what a 'normal' 12- or 10- or 8- month old milk and solids routine looks like, and how/when it changes.