Can someone tell me what the difference is between WI/WO and the Ferber method? And when is it appropriate to use it?
I have an 8.5 month old who is suddenly screaming at every nap and at bedtime, and I have NO idea why. It has been happening over the past week. She is not teething, not sick, has no props and has been an independent sleeper for months.
This morning she cried hysterically for 10 min, DH went in once and then she slept for 2 hours, so it is not like we had the timing wrong, This afternoon she refused to nap again getting hysterical, so I took her in the car, and she only slept for a half an hour. DH is up there trying to put her to bed now, I just took a turn, we are going on 45 minutes now of her screaming.
I am at a loss.