Author Topic: How do I break the vicious OT cycle for 10wk-old??  (Read 616 times)

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Offline sadiebean

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How do I break the vicious OT cycle for 10wk-old??
« on: August 06, 2008, 15:54:44 pm »
My 10wk old was going down for naps very nicely last week - a minute of bouncing lightly sitting on the theraball, and into his crib, and he'd nuzzle himself to sleep.

But since getting a cold, he's off. And so severely OT, he doesn't know what to do w/himself (either do I). Naps yesterday and so far today are very short, last night he was up for an hour 8:30pm-9:30pm after going to bed at 7pm. (tried for earlier to make up for lost sleep and the was the earliest we could do.) And to get him to sleep, to say nothing of asleep AND in his crib, is a feat in it's own right.

I would consider holding him all day and helping him sleep, and then working back towards prop-less sleep. But I have a 3-yr-old and we've already logged a few hours of videos and it's not even lunchtime. So I gave up after his 30min nap this morning, the crying is so stressful. I just don't have it in me. He woke up crying today, hard, I'm sure b/c he didn't get enough sleep last night, and was fretful from 4am on, as usual. He is currently conked out in the swing, not a great place for deep sleep I know, and who knows how long it will last.

What do I do to break this cycle?? I don't mind intro'ing props short-term to get him to sleep, but we all know props lead to short sleep, as does OT- ah!!! please help. I am losing my mind, I am so tired I could fall asleep on this keyboard.

Offline deckchariot

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Re: How do I break the vicious OT cycle for 10wk-old??
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2008, 00:08:26 am »
big hugs to you!!!  Having a lo who just got over a cold and now is not sleeping is no fun at all!!  I'd say keep A time almost non-existent if the first nap is bad.  When he gets up, how much A time are you giving him right off the bat?  If he doesn't nap well for that first one, I'd just feed, diaper change, and back to bed as quickly as possible.  I'd stick to your usual wind down routine and EASY as best as you can.  Towards the end of the day - the swing, rocking, whatever works to get a good nap in before bedtime and try for a decent night's sleep.
