Author Topic: Just overreacting or is this something??  (Read 2816 times)

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Re: Just overreacting or is this something??
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2008, 23:09:59 pm »
I would print that article and any infor from here about MSPI and take it back to your doctor and demand a prescription for a Hypoallergenic formula.

May not have a true allergy, but deft. sounds like she is very sensitivity to the milk protein itself.

Steffi:  Interesting about the soy not even being sold.  But I can see why, because so many that can't handle milk cannot handle soy either.

Wendy -

Zach - 3 1/2 yrs old. My sweet, loving, gentle boy that loves playing in the dirt!

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Re: Just overreacting or is this something??
« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2008, 03:22:49 am »
YOu are definately not overreacting.  You have another child who is fine.  That is the thing.  You are right in that something is very wrong; keep pushing it with your doctor so that you are all on the same page.  I regret that I did not push sooner because I was afraid to be rude.  My son suffered at the hands of inexperience.  i did not need definite answers, I just wanted help.  You are in the right place.  This website is the best.
Jen - pediatric physical therapist and wife to Brian
Mom to Andrew - 5 1/2 sensitive preemie
           Thomas - 2 1/2 MSPI textbook baby

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Offline jellybabe

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Re: Just overreacting or is this something??
« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2008, 09:40:17 am »
Thank you soo much for your support ladies! (and mommies)So after the trial of sma lf she did a bit better. She was still a bit fussy at bed time (she had expressed milk with colief) but didnt cry and fuss nearly as long as she usually does! I actually just put her down and patted her and she settled and fell asleep. She slept pretty much all nite, just woke in early am but fell asleep again and actually slept till 8am without wriggling and squarming as much as she use to. I hope that means this formula is working. I am going to express today and only give her fomula and see how this whole day goes. Then will give her expressed tomorrow and see if she's grumpy again. If she is then I know it is! That will also mean i will have to start cutting out dairy or switch to soy i suppose.  I will see how it goes in the long run, say a week, and if no improvement or regression definitely go to docs and demand he formula! They cant refuse I suppose. It wont do any harm in trying.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2008, 09:46:27 am by jellybabe »