Author Topic: Could DD stressed over failing marriage?  (Read 632 times)

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Offline Chix0r

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Could DD stressed over failing marriage?
« on: August 12, 2008, 18:19:23 pm »
About a month ago, DD started waking up crying inconsolably.  Only I could eventually get her back down (she cried with my husband for 45 min once).  I can put her in her bed and either she immediately wakes up or she wakes up 5-90 min later doing the same thing.  I thought teething (canines are next), but it's been over a month, now.  The only time she sleeps over 90min is when we fall asleep together (usually in the rocker).

My other thought is... my husband and I aren't doing well.  I suspect a divorce is on the horizon.  Things have been particularly bad starting about a month ago... a few days before the "not sleeping" started.  Is that possible?  Could she know?
<img src="" alt="Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker" border="0"  />

DH: What's going on?!?
Me: I don't know, but THIS is the baby I woke up to this morning.

Offline nyree

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Re: Could DD stressed over failing marriage?
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2008, 16:59:30 pm »

I am so sorry that nobody has replied yet, i just saw the post. How old is your DD? A touchy question but, do you get hostile with each other (even bickering ) in front of her? I know children are extremely in tune with parents emotions. Our 2 year old if ever things are different between her Dad and I she acts up a bit, and looks for attention. I don't know about smaller ones. I don't want this to sound like a cliche but, have you went to counselling marriage or alone to see how to deal with things. I do know that babies feel stress, maybe her teeth are moving, that used to cause night changes with my daughter , worse than her teeth coming through. I hope you find a solution.....((hugs))


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Re: Could DD stressed over failing marriage?
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2008, 19:12:35 pm »
Hi ChixOr-
Well now there are 2 replies at least.  I think it could be the teething or moving as nyree suggests.  I also think it could be the tension in the household causing stress in her.  I know that young children (18 mos-4yrs) can sense tension and stressful situations.  There was a documentary on PBS or Discovery Health about emotional development in young children & they did tests to see if kids in approx the age range above could sense which environment felt safer (the less stressful one).  Most kids chose the safer environment even if it was with a stranger vs. their parent.   Very interesting.  Watched it when i was up late with my DS when he was just a few weeks old.  Can't remember the name of it.  Anyone else see this??? 

Anyway, I would assume that she can pick up on the energy in the house.  Bickering with DH or even just your tone when talking on the phone to a girlfriend/ family member about it.  Be careful how much she sees of this and also maybe consider talking to her to explain what's going on.  Doesn't matter that she doesn't understand really this is just so she can hear your tone as you are explaining to her that she's safe and loved. 