Author Topic: 11.5month old - wants my attention too much...  (Read 642 times)

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11.5month old - wants my attention too much...
« on: August 17, 2008, 06:58:03 am »
my little daughter, approaching a year old at the end of this month, has been walking now for a month - and wont sit down ever with me for more than 30 seconds. We are constantly moving around and she can't seem to play with any toy for more than 1 minute maximum either. For the past 4 weeks she has also become a bit too attached to me and will not easily go with her father when im around. Im getting soooo tired and exhausted constantly having to entertain her - loosing my mind wondering what to do with her next, and having to run after her incase she falls over... I try and sit her down with various, then after a nice 2 minutes by myself she gets up and comes looking for me. What can i do?
Nice to be wanted / needed, but i just want her to calm a bit and sit and watch tv or relax and look at a book with me.
What am i doing wrong?
what do i need to do?