I have a 19 month old ds. He sleeps all night, takes good long naps, and falls asleep quickly. However, he has to be rocked. Especially at naptime. We had been rocking him and have cut it down to only a few minutes. At night he does fine, he usually cries for about 3 minutes, then he sleeps for the rest of the night. At night we can put him straight into bed at bedtime and he'll cry for a few minutes, then go to sleep. But at naptime, if he doesn't fall asleep while being rocked, then he won't take a nap. He cries for a minute, then starts talking and playing in his crib. I want to wean from rocking completely, because I'm pregnant and it hurts my belly and breasts to hold this 30 lb. kid in my lap to rock him. We are also planning to move him to a big boy bed soon (within the next month or two). Plus in September, he will be starting sort of like a daycare, and of course with 6 other toddlers, the teachers aren't going to rock them all for 10 minutes before naptime. I don't mind how things are at night, but during the day, as I said, he'll just talk to himself for the 2 hours he's supposed to be napping. I don't want to be giving up his nap this early, so what do I do?