Just wondering when any of you (if ever) started letting your lo take a sippy of water to bed? V takes a sippy of milk right before bedtime which is 7:30. Tonight she was awake at 1 (is teething, and pain meds were due again) and I also gave her some water in her sippy, because sometimes that makes getting her back down a lot easier. I really think this NW is due to teething, AND she took a 3hr nap this afternoon (what bliss! but now I'm paying for it
) but it was probably too long for her, as she usually only naps for 2 hrs. Tried to put her back down and she fussed for another half hour. Started to cry, so I went back in, cuddled for a second, gave her back the sippy of water, and was able to lay her down with the sippy. I doubt this is going to become a habit, but just wondering when, and for what reasons did you start letting your lo have their sippy either in the bed with them at night, or next to the bed and any pros or cons of doing this. And fyi, I'd never let her have anything other than water in the bed because we don't want to ruin what few teeth she does have!