My DH is 7.5 months old and the last 2 nights he has resisted the df. Should I take this as an indicator that he is ready to stop the df and quit it cold turkey? Both nights he has woke around 4:45 am and I was able to get him back to sleep without a feed. The df's were always inconsistant as to how much he drank EBM in a bottle. At the most, he took in 5oz, most of the time it was 3oz on the average. Some days were 2oz, 1.5oz, 3oz, 4oz....never consistant. I don't know how to add more oz in the day with bf since we already do a cluster feed at night. DH gets 5 bf a day plus 3 solid meals. I also posted this on the BF forum as I did not know where to post for sure.