My DD is 11 months old in a few days. We are having trouble eating solid foods. One day is good, most days, hardly any gets in there! She has a milk allergy so we can't feed her milk, cheese, yogurt, etc. It is a huge pain in the butt! We're hoping she'll outgrow it. She was resisting purees but seems to be accepting the fruit / cereal flavors now (thank goodness). She rejects pretty much all flavors of veggie purees except sweet potato. All the jarred organic veggie "dinner" meals she has rejected (so picky!). I made her food for a good long while and she rejected most of that too! It has been a real struggle to figure out what she might eat. Some days I think I should just offer a few things and if she eats it, fine, if not, tough... But then the other part of me feels I should keep trying different things to make a match. It's just hard because one day she loves green beans; the next she won't go near them! Anyway, here's what we're eating lately. Please note that often this is what's offered, not necessarily completely consumed!
6am: wake a BF
8ish (hard to predict when she might be hungry, since her desire to eat fluctuates so much): Oatios (like Cheerios) and attempted fruit/oatmeal puree (I try for 3 ounces, rarely get it)
[lately she has wanted to BF at least once or even twice between the first BF and her first nap. very confusing!]
9:45/10am: nap for 1.5-2 hours
11:15-11:30am: BF
12:30-1pm-ish: lunch of brown rice crackers, 3 ounces sweet potatoes or 3 ounces fruit / oatmeal blend; piece of fruit such as cantaloupe or mango (she has rejected bananas)
3:00: puffed rice snack ("Mum-mums") and piece of fruit, maybe some tofu if she's really hungry and BF
3:30ish: nap for 1.5-2 hours
6:30-ish: dinner, usually 1/4 of a Dr. Praeger veggie burger (the veg kind, not the soy meat kind), some tofu, 2 or 3 ounces sweet potato puree (if not at lunch), fruit
7:45/8-ish: BF before going to bed
8-8:30pm: bedtime
We are desperately trying to reduce her daytime naps and get a little more nighttime sleep because we'd much prefer her to go to bed around 7:30pm. She's not having any of it, though, so we're kind of stuck at the moment! Also, we'd really like to get her to start taking a bottle but she rejected when younger. We only just last week got her to start drinking water from a bottle (instead of spitting it out!), so we're hoping that maybe she'll eventually take soy formula too. So far she has not been receptive to breast milk in the bottle. Any suggestions?