With Abby, we went back and forth between 1 nap days and 2 nap days. Gradually, she had more 1 nap days than 2 nap days, and then she had no 2 nap days. When we had EWs, I'd leave her in the crib as long as possible. Most of the time, she'd play in there til what I deemed was a reasonable hour (I don't think I ever got her out before 6:30, though she did get up before then). I never tried to get her back to sleep - I never went in, unless she was screaming, and then I just got her up and started our day. My goal was never to put her down for a nap before 11:30 - even with an EW, because I knew that our whole day would be skewed early, and she'd be in bed by 5:30, and that was then going to be another early day. So on 2 nap days, first nap was 11:30. If she could make it past 11:30, then it might be a 1 nap day. I knew she needed 2.5 hrs of day sleep at a minimum to make it. So, nap at 11:30, up by 2 - probably not going to get a 2nd nap in, so early bedtime. If she woke up before 2, Id offer a 2nd catnap around 4 - if she took it, I'd celebrate! If not, then early bedtime. If she went down later than 11:30, I used the same 2.5 hr day sleep plan to determine 1 nap vs. 2 naps. Once I could get her to 12:30/1 for her nap, then I knew we were solidly on 1 nap days. That was a bit of our journey....if that helps.