Hey Melanie:
You may find he is a little more hungry with the Neocate because their body bascially does not have to do anything to digest it.
If it was me personally, I would just "try" a full bottle of it, just to see. I would be suprised if he took it, but you never know. If he does not, then deft. do a slow transition like you did with the Alimentum.
To me, the formula does not have any smell or taste. Yes, I did taste the Neocate, but refuse to taste Alimentum. Of course, I just taste a tiny bit of my finger.
I agree, serving it cold is supposed to make it taste better.
Tyler refused to drink it after 2 bottles. I could have done a slow transistion, but also had reservations because of his experience the last time with Neocate. He got the worse smelling gas and got so constipated from it.
Not saying that will happen to you, BUT just to warn you, his poop will be either dark dark green or black. The reason is because normally during digestion, the gallbladder produces bile to breakdown foods. Since the neocate is already broken down completely, the bile just comes on out in the poop.
Sounds gross, but that is what happens.
It really is a great formula though and has been a life saver for so many people.
Please keep us posted... Wendy