The twins are 4 months old (wayyy too old for 2 hour EASY, I know!) I think you are right- they are snackers, but if I try to force them to eat longer, they get angry really quickly. I just don't know how to start moving them to at least a 3 hour schedule- making their activity longer? (but then they get grumpy) Napping longer? (I haven't figured out how to do this- they probably would go back to sleep if I picked them up and held them, but I can't do that with both of them...)
Our routine is something like this:
wake 8 a.m. (sometimes earlier)E: 8 to 8:10; A: 8:10 to 9:15, S: 9:15 to 10;
E: 10 to 10:10; A: 10:10 to 11:15, S: 11:15 to 12;
E: 12 to 12:10; A: 12:10 to 1:15, S: 1:15 to 2;
E: 2 to 2:10; A 2:10 to 3:30 (this time of day they usually have a bit longer A); S 3:30 to 4:15
E: 4:15 to 4:25; A 4:25 to 5:40; S 5:40 to 6:30
E: 6:30 to 6:40; A: 6:40 to 7:50 (bath, read books, etc.) E: 7:50-8 (we've been trying a "top-up" before bed, but I don't think it makes much difference) S: 8 (sometimes it takes up to 1/2 hour to get them to sleep)
The times they wake up at night vary, but they will usually wake up by 10:30 or 11, at which time we feed them, then they wake up as often as every hour after that, but I won't feed them unless it has been at least two hours.
As far as naps and bed times go, we put them down in their cribs as soon as we hear any cranky noises, let them kick around for a few minutes until they seem more tired and then swaddle them. We rarely have to pick them up to get them to sleep - usually shusshing them is enough