Edwards normal routine when he only wakes once is:
4:30am NW 10 min BF
7:00 wake BF 45mins followed by ceral and drink of diluted fruit juice
A time until 10 when he has a snack which is normal a piece of fruit
A time until 12.00pm lunch which is normal a whole mel sandwich with either cheese or meat on, yoghurt, and either raisen or carrot and cucumber sticks
1.00 BF or 5oz full-fat milk in a cup followed by nap for 2-2.5 hours in buggy incase he doesn't wake for collecting older children from school
A time from 4-5:30
Family dinner at 5:30 which varies day to day from a pasta or rice dish or something with potatoes
Bath at 6:30 followed by a 45 minutes BF then bed by 7:30.
He has a cup with water in available when he wants it dueing the day which is filled everytime he emptys it as if he doesn't have the cup iof water available he will demand more BF's dueing the day which I will give him only when he is poorly oir teething as then he doesn't eat as much solids. On the way back form school when I have picked the older children up they each have a home-made ceral bar just to tie them over until dinner is ready at 5:30 as they used to have there familky dinner at 5 but because we have a 30 minute walk from school now dinner is later and they don't seem to be able to wait that extra 30 minuets but they still clear there plates and even eat all there pudding which for Edward is always fruit or stewed fruit and custard mostly but I do give him the same pudding as the rest of us if we are having something like apple pie or cumble
If I limit the amount of solids he has dueing the day he demands more BF's which I feel are to much I will only give him 6 BF's in 24 hours because of his age and because of my experience with my DD who I bfed when she wanted and it oursed her to hardly eat which lead to her haviong a iron deficenty as she wasn't getting enough iron in her diet so to prevent this happening again I encourage solids more than ythe BF's now he is over a year. Above is his normal routine it is better than it used to be and I am finding this new routine when it goes to plan a lot better and it gives me that little bit more time that I can share between by older 2 children who were having to have my attention with edward and it wasn't far on them as they do like to have some mummy time on there own which they are now getting