I took my son's soother away a couple of weeks ago. He's almost 26 months now. I wanted to wait as we just had a new baby a couple of months ago and I wasn't sure how he would react when she had a soother and his was gone. He used to only have it at night and for naps, in the last couple of months would go get it from his bed and have it throughout the day. All I did to take it away, was trade him a new toy (that he picked out at the store) for it. I was shocked at how smooth the transition was. The first night he cried a few minutes and asked for it, but I reminded him of his new toy that we traded it for and seemed to understand (we played with the toy for awhile that night before bed time). The next night was even smoother - no crying, just asked for it. That was it - no more! He even sees his little sister with one sometimes and doesn't care. He also has a teddy that he sleeps with and used to pack it around when he had his soother. But since taking the soother away, he doesn't even care about the teddy anymore. Yay!
Not sure if that helps.