Hi there,
I really don't know what to do about my DD paci. She never was really addicted to it as such. But since she has been so ill her 'addiction' has got worse. I was going to get rid of it at 18 months but she got ill. And she kind of has been ill on and off since then. She had Gromits put in 3 weeks ago and about a week later got Pharyngitus and then last week I asked the school to please put it in her bag until sleep time, which they did. But then she got a bit of chest infection and since we tried to slowly take it away from her she sucks it 24/7.
TBH I don't mind a paci for when she goes to sleep during the day or at night but to suck it all the time is killing me. I also don't understand her when she talks so I have to keep telling her - 'take your dummy our when you speak' Yesterday they couldn't find her dummy at school for about 30 minutes and she screamed the whole time till they found it. As you can see this is becoming a problem...
So now what? I love the fairy idea or the balloon idea - but will she get it so young...
And what is the estimated time for her to come right after I've taken it away - like how many nights and days will I struggle for...