You are correct in that to just go with the flow....Michelle has to remind me that a lot in my frantic feelings too some times!
I think today sounded like it was a success. As for finding out what works best for getting to sleep.....WIWO worked wonders when we were first sleep training on how to go to sleep. Now if we try it at the beginning of the night we will rarely have success (and thus cause an OT kiddo!). So good job on finding something that works, it'll get easier. Teething Tablets....well I have no clue on how to wean that one as DS has been taking TT (2 a night) since he was 10 months old! There was a time that he didn't need them, and we ran out, so we just acted like we gave them to him. He didn't ask for them anymore, but once the molars started bothering him, we re-introduced them.
And lastly, as for the Christmas thing....just remember that it's your house, your baby, and your rules on how you parent! We had family here for Thanksgiving and as I felt horrible that DS had his one 4hr NW in a while that first night, I couldnt' do anything about it. We had to stick to our plan as much as we could, until my Mom said she'd rock him and I caved! (oh well, we needed our sleep...all of us!) Let your family know about what might happen and then they can decide if they'll be staying in a hotel or not. We place strict rules in our house. Because of the size and layout of the house, nap time is quiet time throughout the house or else the sound will travel thus waking DS (and making me unhappy!). We don't close doors loudly at all and talk in a true inside voice. We also spend a lot of time outside during naps if we want to be more noisy.
Stay will continue to improve!