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First time mom having sleeping issues
« on: September 25, 2008, 20:06:57 pm »
Hi needing some advice on sleep for my 6 month old. I introduced her to the easy program at 4 months. She was not on a great schedule up to than. It took a bit but she got into a got start. Her routine currently is:

630 am bf
745 2 tsp of f or v
815 nap
1030 bf
1145 2 tsp f or v
1215pm nap
230 bf
430 nap
530 2 tsp cereal
630 bf
700 bath bed routine
730 sleep for night
1030 bf
600am wake

I am now having issues with naps and night sleep. A few things have happened. First 2 weeks after getting the hang of the 4 hour easy routine we went on holiday for 1 month to see family for first time. Tried to keep routine but was hard with so many people coming and going and us travelling so kinda lost it a bit. Second introduced solids so now bowel movements not everyday pushing on 5 days sometimes and she seems to be have more gas during naps and night sleep. Third she is getting out of swaddle almost all the time so trying to get to sleep with her arms out having some difficulties getting her to settle. Fourth she is teething just got her 2 bottom front teeth poking through so dealing with all the stuff that goes with teething also. Have been using Hyland's teething pills she does sleep and nap a bit better after taking them but only give them when she is really cranky. Last thing is she has a soother and when she wakes during naps wants it back sometimes can get it in her self but doesn't stop playing with it pulls it in and out so won't settle to sleep by self I can sometimes get her to settle but not always. At night she does wake but 80% of the time will settle her self to sleep, but sometimes needs a burp, gassy or wants the soother.

So I need advise on where to start to get back on track with naps (which I hope will solve the night waking and early waking). She was napping 2hrs am, 1.5hrs afternoon and 45min evening. Now it is a fight to get a good 1/2hr at any and than waking up and hard to get back to sleep and defiantly not with out the soother. I have tried to introduce a little stuff bunny, she is not really all that interested in him. I thought maybe I could introduce some soft toy that has some form of a teething ring or chewy thing on it so maybe when she woke she would chew sooth with it but was not sure it would be more of disruption and have not yet fond one that doesn't have all kinds of noisy parts also. I currently am doing the shs pat to put her to sleep at the start of sleep and when she wakes in the middle. Any advice? Help please I am not able to get any me time and waking 3 times a night and up at least 1 hour early or more in the morning right now!

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Re: First time mom having sleeping issues
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2008, 00:47:08 am »
Hi Tracy

Could you re-post today's routine and include how long she's actually sleeping for.  From your post you mention that she's sleeping 30 mins.  This is usually a sign of being 6 months, her A time should be around 2.5 hours.  So perhaps she's UT???

Do you know what temperament she is?   Here's the quiz to work it out:

There's also a lot going on developmentally by the look of it.  Teething is painful.  I use camomile drops (available from naturopaths) to help calm my LO down before bed.  They can be great when you don't feel like giving pain meds.

Might be time to ditch the soother....lots to consider. 

I usually tweak the routine first and see if that resolves the issue/s.  If not, then start to tackle the harder stuff like ditching the dummy/ or sleep training.  What do  you think?
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Re: First time mom having sleeping issues
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2008, 03:02:33 am »
Hi thanks for replying to my message!

My LO is a combo between angel and text book with a few points in the other types. She really is a good baby I know I am very lucky especially after reading other peoples messages. I am not use to her being grumpy or unhappy, which is from her teeth and because out of routine for a long time.

The chamomile drops how often can they be given and for how many days? Can other meds if need such as Tylenol be given with?

How should I be getting back on track with routine? Slowly extending her wake time and nap time again by 15 mins? Should I be trying to keep her arms in wrap? Getting harder she is becoming a little Houdini. When she is waking how soon should I go in to try to put back to sleep for naps and early waking? I don't think I am prepared to lose the soother yet and I don't think she is ready either and think it would be to much right now for both of us. I am responsible for the soother and lack of self soothing by accidental parenting. Listening to others I pushed the soother on her at 2.5 months when she started sucking on her hands a lot. Up till than she would suck on my baby finger to sooth to sleep as she would not take a soother and wanted to suckle a lot on the breast. Has always been swaddled until late it would settle her very quickly and not even fight being wrapped. So I think I am going to try to stick to getting back to 2 hrs up 2 -2hrs & 1 - 1/2hr nap and night sleep (hopefully will sort out) if can with arms out for naps but wrapped at night for now. I know teething is going to be hard but how long will teething last it has been since last week of Aug that it started, two lower front have finally poked through but they still are bugging her as they come up hope not much longer. I think she might be getting a bit disturbed by some noise. Our house is not overly noise but sounds travel between rooms somewhat easily not much I can do to stop besides do nothing when she sleeps any suggestions, such as would a white noise cd or classic music help?

Her routine today was
330am woke briefly put self back to sleep but was restless
430 woke again got her arms out of the swaddle. I left to see what she would do. was trying to do some self soothing with hands, blanket and bunny but just could not settle.
515 I went in and gave her the soother and shs pat for about 10 min went back to sleep easily.
650 I woke her to BF. Not sure how long she would have slept to. Have been thinking of letting her sleep till 700 instead of getting her up at 630 had started 630 as I was to be back to work but since I am not and not sure when I will no real set time. I think thisearly waking is a bit of regression. She would get up around 400 to feed back to sleep 700 feed play a little and sleep again.
Played sitting up-with toys. Showed signs of being tired by 800.
815 changed nappy, read gave paci and bunny put to bed wrapped one arm out. Fought sleep for 10 min than went to sleep with shs pat.
930 woke had other hand out of wrap. Played with soother and bunny kind dozed but never went back to sleep well.
1015 up still very tired.
1030 BF
played with toys on floor for 15 min by self rest of time I played on floor with.
1130 2 tsp Fruit
1200 signs of tired took to room change read book with soother and bunny. Put to bed. Wrapped one arm out. Went to sleep fast dropped soother within 10 min. Woke up 100 I let try to put self back to sleep till 130 had both arms out but started to get upset when lost soother and couldn't find. I went in to try to put back to sleep tried wrapping but kept fighting so tried with arms out could not settle. Up by 205. Cheeks very red and wanting to chew on finger so teeth must have been bugging her. Still very tired.
230 BF
played sitting up with toys and mom.
300 was tired and getting grumpy
345 gave her Hylands teething pills started wind down changed read book soother bunny to bed. Did not settle well at all wanted both arms out fought to be wrapped. took 20 min to get settled. Only slept for 20 min. Would not settle down to go back fought but was very tired.
440 up Played quietly on floor by self for a bit but wanted to be cuddled. Teeth bugging her checks red.
530 eat fruit and oatmeal.
played quietly with Dad
615 BF
645 Bath
700 bed routine diaper lotion dress teething pills soother Dad read book cuddle to bed.
715 sleeping
800 a bit restless tossing a bit
1015 DF BF will happen so what the rest of night holds.

Sorry for the novel but have lots of questions and so unsure what to do. Hope I am doing the right things, a bit tired think just getting more uptight about it than need to be.

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Re: First time mom having sleeping issues
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2008, 02:04:37 am »
Hi Tracy...thanks for the info. Lets see if I can answer some of your questions:

1) check with your naturopath re the camomile drops.  I imagine that different products have different doses.  I use an all natural product (pure camomile drops) and give Claire 4 drops 15 mins before bedtime.  If she's in real pain, then I give pain meds.

2)  getting back on track is difficult when they are so OT and in pain.  You might just need to go with the flow for a few days and see if her tired cues are working for you.  They tend to get to a point where they are totally exhausted and will then take one good long nap during the day.  Then it's easier to get back on track as they've had a good can try to keep her up for 2 hours 15 mins once she's had a good sleep.

3)  In the meantime, do what you can to extend naps.  If she appears to be waking up at the 45 min in her room 5 mins before and use pressure at the jolts or shh/pat to get her back to sleep.  Do what you can to extend her day naps to 1.5 hours...this is the key to your success.

4)   Swaddling is fine up to 18 months.  The only reason you would change is if she's waking because she's fighting out of it.  You could try to move to a grobag.  These are great as they still feel like they are wrapped up, but it doesn't get tangled.  You can sew the arms together also if your LO flails about....

5)  White noise.  I use a desk fan to mask the noises in our house. 

Got to run...LO waking up.  Will come back later!
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Re: First time mom having sleeping issues
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2008, 02:29:54 am »
Had a good night last night only a brief whimper at 330am and than slept till about 515am again a bit of whimper and restlessness but did not wake up fully until 610am. Had a better day today 2 naps 1.5hrs each and than late afternoon nap was rough think overtired and teeth. LO fought out of wrap would not settle finally after about 1/2 hour went to sleep only for 20 min, I went in and did shs pat gave soother and she went back to sleep for almost 1 hr. I think make sure to do the same routine at each nap and being sure to take to bed at first signs of tired really helping and also her 2 bottom teeth have come through think should be over the teething for this month soon. The rest of this week might be rough getting her 6 month needles tomorrow. Thanks for the tips I am going to take a look for the grobag now, she has been doing well with her arms out so might not need to sew together. Have to share my cute storey for the day. When trying to wrap her up for the late nap for the 4th time. I was getting a bit frustrated so not really paying attention to her when wrapping till had her in and doing the last side around. When I looked at her she started to giggle that adorable 6 month old giggle with big 2 tooth grin that all I could do was smile and laugh. which I think helped us both relieve the tension and stress that was building up. It is just amazing how just one little smile can change your entire day! Thanks again for the tips will keep posting our progress.
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Re: First time mom having sleeping issues
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2008, 00:52:17 am »
That sounds very promising.  Well done.  And it's just amazing how that smile can melt your heart. You sound like a wonderful mum...
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Re: First time mom having sleeping issues
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2008, 02:19:52 am »
Thanks for the vote of confidence. She definitely is our heavenly sent angel after many years of trying and having ups and downs I really want to be he best Mom I can! Another good day 2 1.5 hr naps even though she was up early at 445am. Had a rough late afternoon had the 6 months needles. Poor girl needles and teething, I don't blame her for being grumpy. Hope she is able to rest tonight!
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Re: First time mom having sleeping issues
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2008, 23:52:50 pm »
Ooohh..poor darling. 
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