I know its not a food allergy yet but I'm worried it will be in the future.
I massaged DS with a natural oil yesterday, but didn't realise that there might be a problem with one of the ingredients - Sesame Oil.
Stupid me, never thought about a possible Nut Allergy!! (Its a seed - what do I know!).
About an hour later, his little body is roasting and has a hot angry rash all over his body!
Turns out its probably an allergic reaction to the sesame oil. Apparently the reaction wasn't too bad, as it was absorbed through the body and not ingested.
He didn't have any treatment, however the temperature of his little body cooled within a couple of hours, and his rash is nearly all gone today.
I've now got to keep off nuts (as I'm breastfeeding) and be very wary of nuts in the future.
I can't believe we are dealing with allergies already!
DH has asthma and excema, and we are always on the lookout for symptoms in DD. Could asthma, excema and allergies be connected.
The only allergy I have is to mushrooms and mould, so practically its easy for me to avoid food with these things in (no blue cheese for me!), but am now worried how to deal with a nut allergy! It seems everything has a warning/disclaimer on it regarding nuts!!
Am really quite sad that DS might have to be so wary of food in the future!
Sarah x