Original Post:
My 22 mo has had a soother for bed and naps since she was 6 mo. We threw out soothers (she happily did it herself) on Thursday. She had a bit of an adjustment on Thursday and Friday but was okay to sleep. This weekend she started really balking at naps and bed time, screaming hysterically for 20+ minutes (we go in ever few minutes to remind her to lie down, etc). We have put on music to help her soothe herself, but she is having SUCH a rough time. She has some dolls which she loves, but they aren't comforts to her. She is starting to ask for her soother again today and is so sad about it that it breaks my heart. She really is a soother girl, although only for sleep times. I am feeling compelled to give it back to her, as it will make sleep times much more pleasant for her. SHe used to love to go to sleep and now she is traumatized by it which doesn't seem good to me.
Please, I need some perspective and some advice!
Now She is not napping. SHe wants to read, but not rest. She keeps crying for me every 10 minutes. Could also be teething, but gave her tylenol before nap (an hour ago). I know ginving her the soother will mean all of this was for nothing, but she is habing such a hard time and I am in my first trimester of pregnancy and I need her to sleep well!!!!!!
UPDATE: She is refusing to fall asleep at bedtime now. It is dreiving me CRAZY!!! I actually threw a book in front of her (but not at her obviously). I can't stand it. I want to be strong and not give her the soother (she isn't asking for it) but she will not soothe herself. It has been 40 mins of back and forth wi/wo, taking toys from her crib etc. All to no avail.
New update: I am caving. I am getting her soother. I actually yelled at her and I refuse to do that again so she gets it and I get to have my happy baby again. Wish I had received some replies, but oh well.